
advance, make progress, enter


  • advance, make progress, enter
  • to go forward
  • to advance
  • to go in
  • to enter
  • to put in
  • to submit
  • to take in
  • to admit
  • (math.) base of a number system
  • classifier for sections in a building or residential compound


mào jìn to advance prematurely
āo jìn concave; recessed; dented
qián jìn to go forward; to forge ahead; to advance; onward
區 qián jìn qū Qianjin district of Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang
前門拒虎,後門狼 qián mén jù hǔ , hòu mén jìn láng to beat a tiger from the front door, only to have a wolf come in at the back (idiom); fig. facing one problem after another
劉姥姥大觀園 liú lǎo lao jìn dà guān yuán Granny Liu visits the Grand View gardens; (of a simple person) to be overwhelmed by new experiences and luxurious surroundings
加官位 jiā guān jìn wèi promotion in official post and salary raise (idiom)
加官爵 jiā guān jìn jué promotion to the nobility (idiom)
加官祿 jiā guān jìn lù promotion in official post and salary raise (idiom)
jiā jìn to add; to mix in; to incorporate
勇往前 yǒng wǎng qián jìn see 勇往直前[yong3 wang3 zhi2 qian2]
匍匐前 pú fú qián jìn to crawl forward
十六制 shí liù jìn zhì hexadecimal
shí jìn decimal; calculations to base 10
位 shí jìn wèi decimal system
位法 shí jìn wèi fǎ decimal system
制 shí jìn zhì decimal
算術 shí jìn suàn shù decimal calculation
原發性行性失語 yuán fā xìng jìn xíng xìng shī yǔ primary progressive aphasia (PPA), speech disorder (sometimes related to dementia)
古根罕噴氣推研究中心 gǔ gēn hǎn pēn qì tuī jìn yán jiū zhōng xīn Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology (GALCIT, from 1926); Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Center (from 1943)
xī jìn to inhale; to breathe in
噴氣推實驗室 pēn qì tuī jìn shí yàn shì Jet Propulsion Laboratory, R&D center in Pasadena, California
噴漆推 pēn qī tuī jìn jet propulsion
zēng jìn to promote; to enhance; to further; to advance (a cause etc)
大躍 dà yuè jìn Great Leap Forward (1958-1960), Mao's attempt to modernize China's economy, which resulted in economic devastation, and millions of deaths from famine caused by misguided policies