
advance, make progress, enter


  • advance, make progress, enter
  • to go forward
  • to advance
  • to go in
  • to enter
  • to put in
  • to submit
  • to take in
  • to admit
  • (math.) base of a number system
  • classifier for sections in a building or residential compound


mài jìn to step in; to stride forward; to forge ahead
ruì jìn to advance; to rush forward
zuān jìn to get into; to dig into (studies, job etc); to squeeze into
長坂坡七七出 cháng bǎn pō qī jìn qī chū famous scene in Romance of the Three Kingdoms in which Zhao Yun 趙雲|赵云 charges seven times through the ranks of Cao Cao's armies
長足步 cháng zú jìn bù rapid progress
zhǎng jìn to make progress; progress
chuǎng jìn to burst in
雙出 shuāng jìn shuāng chū to be together constantly (idiom)
高歌猛 gāo gē měng jìn to advance singing loudly (idiom); triumphant progress
齊頭並 qí tóu bìng jìn to go forward together (idiom); to undertake simultaneous tasks; going hand in hand
站 jìn zhàn entering the station
福 jìn fú Jinfu (a name or business name)