
humble, modest; yield

HSK 6 #1697


  • humble, modest
  • yield
  • to abdicate
  • modest
  • yielding
  • unpretentious
  • inferior to
  • (slang) to suck


逊 stroke order diagram
逊 stroke order animation


撒克人 sā kè xùn rén Saxon (people)
桀骜不 jié ào bù xùn see 桀驁不馴|桀骜不驯[jie2 ao4 bu4 xun4]
毫不色 háo bù xùn sè not inferior in any respect
毫无色 háo wú xùn sè not in the least inferior (idiom)
盎格鲁撒克 àng gé lǔ sā kè xùn Anglo-Saxon (people)
盎格鲁萨克 àng gé lǔ sà kè xùn Anglo-Saxon
位 xùn wèi to abdicate; to resign a position
克 xùn kè Xunke county in Heihe 黑河[Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang
克县 xùn kè xiàn Xunke county in Heihe 黑河[Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang
尼 xùn ní Sunni (subdivision of Islam)
尼派 xùn ní pài Sunni sect (of Islam)
顺 xùn shùn modest and obedient; unassuming
迈克尔・杰克 mài kè ěr ・ jié kè xùn Michael Jackson (1958-2009), American musician and entertainer
阿马 ā mǎ xùn Amazon; also written 亞馬遜|亚马逊[Ya4 ma3 xun4]
随波流 suí bō xùn liú to drift with the waves and yield to the flow (idiom); to follow the crowd blindly
麦迪广场花园 mài dí xùn guǎng chǎng huā yuán Madison Square Garden
麦迪花园广场 mài dí xùn huā yuán guǎng chǎng Madison Square Garden