
revolve, rotate; curving, zigzag



  • revolve, rotate
  • curving, zigzag
  • to circle
  • to go back
  • to turn around
  • to answer
  • to return
  • to revolve
  • Hui ethnic group (Chinese Muslims)
  • time
  • classifier for acts of a play
  • section or chapter (of a classic book)
  • to curve
  • variant of 迴|回[hui2]


xún huí to go around; to roam; to tour
分析端口 xún huí fēn xī duān kǒu Roving Analysis Port; RAP
法庭 xún huí fǎ tíng circuit court
演出 xún huí yǎn chū (theater etc) to tour; to be on tour; to give itinerant performances
海馬 hǎi mǎ huí hippocampus
lún huí variant of 輪迴|轮回[lun2 hui2]; to reincarnate; reincarnation (Buddhism); (of the seasons etc) to follow each other cyclically; cycle; CL:個|个[ge4]
yū huí roundabout route; circuitous; tortuous; to outflank; indirect; roundabout
廊 huí láng winding corridor; cloister; ambulatory (covered walkway around a cloister)
旋 huí xuán to cycle around; cyclotron; slalom; to turn around; maneuvering room; leeway
盪 huí dàng to resound; to reverberate; to echo
紋針 huí wén zhēn paper clip
轉 huí zhuǎn to rotate; to turn round; slalom; to revolve; rotation
避 huí bì variant of 迴避|回避[hui2 bi4]; to shun; to avoid (sb); to skirt; to evade (an issue); to step back; to withdraw; to recuse (a judge etc)
響 huí xiǎng variant of 迴響|回响[hui2 xiang3]; to echo; to reverberate; to respond; echo; response; reaction
dì huí see 遞歸|递归[di4 gui1]
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