
narrate, state, express

HSK 5 #674


  • narrate, state, express
  • to state
  • to tell
  • to narrate
  • to relate


述 stroke order diagram
述 stroke order animation


gòng shù confession
chuán shù to relay; to retell
chuán shù to relay; to retell
yì shù to talk (or write) about one's recollections of past events
yì shù to talk (or write) about one's recollections of past events
tí shù to refer to
zhuàn shù to compose (a piece of writing); to write; (written) work; writer
xù shù to relate (a story or information); to tell or talk about; to recount; narration; telling; narrative; account
性 xù shù xìng narrative
性 xù shù xìng narrative
jiǎn shù to outline; to summarize; to sketch; summary; brief description; concise narrative; in a nutshell; briefly
綜上所 zōng shàng suǒ shù to summarize; a round-up; in summary ...
综合叙 zōng hé xù shù to summarize; a round-up
綜合敘 zōng hé xù shù to summarize; a round-up
zōng shù to sum up; a roundup; a general narrative
lǚ shù to relate in detail
lǚ shù to relate in detail
jì shù (literary) to carry on; to inherit; to succeed
jì shù (literary) to carry on; to inherit; to succeed
zhù shù writing; to write; to compile
fù shù to repeat (one's own words or sb else's); (in the classroom) to paraphrase what one has learned; variant of 複述|复述[fu4 shu4]
fù shù to repeat (one's own words or sb else's); (in the classroom) to paraphrase what one has learned; variant of 複述|复述[fu4 shu4]
jì shù to write an account (of events)
sù shù to narrate; to tell of
sù shù to narrate; to tell of