xiè jiā

character for transliteration



迦 jiā
  • (phonetic sound for Buddhist terms)


迦 stroke order diagram
迦 stroke order animation


县 sà jiā xiàn Sa'gya county, Tibetan: Sa skya rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
縣 sà jiā xiàn Sa'gya county, Tibetan: Sa skya rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
持 jiā chí the laws of the Buddhism
納 jiā nà Ghana (Tw)
叶佛 jiā yè fó Buddha Kassapa (Pāli) or Kāśyapa (Skt) (one of the Buddhas of the past)
葉佛 jiā yè fó Buddha Kassapa (Pāli) or Kāśyapa (Skt) (one of the Buddhas of the past)
shì jiā Sakya (name of a north Indian tribe); abbr. for 釋迦牟尼|释迦牟尼 Sakyamuni Buddha; sugar apple
shì jiā Sakya (name of a north Indian tribe); abbr. for 釋迦牟尼|释迦牟尼 Sakyamuni Buddha; sugar apple
佛 shì jiā fó Sakyamuni Buddha (Sanskrit: sage of the Sakya); Siddhartha Gautama (563-485 BC), the historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism
佛 shì jiā fó Sakyamuni Buddha (Sanskrit: sage of the Sakya); Siddhartha Gautama (563-485 BC), the historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism
牟尼 shì jiā móu ní Siddhartha Gautama (563-485 BC), the historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism; Sakyamuni Buddha (Sanskrit: sage of the Sakya)
牟尼佛 shì jiā móu ní fó Sakyamuni Buddha (Sanskrit: sage of the Sakya); Siddhartha Gautama (563-485 BC), the historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism
牟尼佛 shì jiā móu ní fó Sakyamuni Buddha (Sanskrit: sage of the Sakya); Siddhartha Gautama (563-485 BC), the historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism
诺 jiā nuò Jano (a fictional character's name in this context)