
agriculture, farming; farmer


  • agriculture, farming
  • farmer
  • surname Nong
  • peasant
  • to farm
  • agriculture
  • diligent (old)
  • government field official (old)
  • variant of 農|农[nong2]


業生產合作社 nóng yè shēng chǎn hé zuò shè agricultural producers' cooperative
業部 nóng yè bù Ministry of Agriculture; Department of Agriculture
業集體化 nóng yè jí tǐ huà collectivization of agriculture (under communism)
機 nóng jī agricultural machinery
民 nóng mín peasant; farmer; CL:個|个[ge4]
民工 nóng mín gōng migrant workers
民起義 nóng mín qǐ yì peasant revolt
民階級 nóng mín jiē jí peasant class (esp. in Marxist theory); peasantry
民黨 nóng mín dǎng Peasant Party (Republic of China)
活 nóng huó farm work
產 nóng chǎn agriculture products; farm produce
產品 nóng chǎn pǐn agricultural produce
田 nóng tián farmland; cultivated land
耕 nóng gēng farming; agriculture
膜 nóng mó agricultural plastic, used largely for creating greenhouses
舍 nóng shè farmhouse
莊 nóng zhuāng farm; ranch
藝 nóng yì agronomy
藥 nóng yào agricultural chemical; farm chemical; pesticide
諺 nóng yàn farmers' saying
貸 nóng dài (government) loan to agriculture
貿市場 nóng mào shì chǎng farmer's market
資 nóng zī rural capital (finance)
運 nóng yùn peasant movement (abbr. for 農民運動|农民运动[nong2 min2 yun4 dong4])
運會 nóng yùn huì China National Farmers' Games (sports meeting for peasants held every 4 years since 1988)