
agriculture, farming; farmer


  • agriculture, farming
  • farmer
  • surname Nong
  • peasant
  • to farm
  • agriculture
  • diligent (old)
  • government field official (old)
  • variant of 農|农[nong2]


chá nóng tea grower
cài nóng vegetable farmer
zhè nóng sugar cane farmer
cán nóng sericulturist
西北林科技大學 xī běi nóng lín kē jì dà xué Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University
西藏百萬奴解放紀念日 xī zàng bǎi wàn nóng nú jiě fàng jì niàn rì Serf Liberation Day (PRC)
貧下中 pín xià zhōng nóng (category defined by the Communist Party) poor and lower-middle peasants: farmers who, before land reform, possessed little or no land (poor peasants) and those who were barely able to support themselves with their own land (lower-middle peasants)
pín nóng poor peasant
貧雇 pín gù nóng poor peasants (in Marxism)
事 nóng shì farming task
事活動 nóng shì huó dòng agricultural activities
人 nóng rén farmer
作物 nóng zuò wù (farm) crops
具 nóng jù farm implements; farm tools
區 nóng qū agricultural areas; farming areas
友 nóng yǒu our peasant friends (political term used in the early years of the Old Democratic Revolution, 1840-1919); (Tw) (coll.) farmer
園 nóng yuán plantation
地 nóng dì farmland
場 nóng chǎng farm
夫 nóng fū peasant; farmer
奴 nóng nú serf
奴解放日 nóng nú jiě fàng rì Serf Liberation Day (PRC)
婦 nóng fù peasant woman (in former times); female farm worker
學 nóng xué agricultural science
安 nóng ān Nong'an county in Changchun 長春|长春, Jilin