
agriculture, farming; farmer


  • agriculture, farming
  • farmer
  • surname Nong
  • peasant
  • to farm
  • agriculture
  • diligent (old)
  • government field official (old)
  • variant of 農|农[nong2]


sān nóng see 三農問題|三农问题[san1 nong2 wen4 ti2]
問題 sān nóng wèn tí the three rural issues: agriculture, rural areas and peasants
shàng nóng a rich farmer; to stress the importance of agriculture (in ancient philosophy)
不違時 bù wéi nóng shí not miss the farming season; do farm work in the right season
中國業銀行 zhōng guó nóng yè yín háng Agricultural Bank of China
zhōng nóng Chinese agriculture
亞格門 yà gé mén nóng Agamemnon
diàn nóng tenant farmer; sharecropper
jiā nóng cannon (loanword)
炮 jiā nóng pào cannon (loanword)
動物場 dòng wù nóng chǎng Animal Farm (1945), novel and famous satire on communist revolution by George Orwell 喬治·奧威爾|乔治·奥威尔[Qiao2 zhi4 · Ao4 wei1 er3]
wù nóng farming; to work the land
quàn nóng to promote agriculture
使 quàn nóng shǐ envoy charge with promoting agriculture (in Han dynasty)
半自耕 bàn zì gēng nóng semi-tenant peasant; semi-owner peasant
南京業大學 nán jīng nóng yè dà xué Nanjing Agricultural University
kǎ nóng canon (music) (loanword)
合作場 hé zuò nóng chǎng collective farm, Russian: kolkhoz
工商 shì nóng gōng shāng "the four classes" of ancient China, i.e. scholars, farmers, artisans, and merchants
大司 dā sī nóng Grand Minister of Agriculture in imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿[jiu3 qing1]
場 dà nóng chǎng ranch
nǎi nóng dairy farming
fù nóng rich peasant; social class of people farming their own land, intermediate between land-owner class 地主[di4 zhu3] and poor peasant 貧農|贫农[pin2 nong2]
gōng nóng Gongnong district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gang3], Heilongjiang; workers and peasants
兵 gōng nóng bīng workers, peasants, and soldiers; the proletariat
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