
cart, vehicle; carry in cart

HSK 1 #361


车 chē
  • surname Che
  • car
  • vehicle
  • CL:輛|辆[liang4]
  • machine
  • to shape with a lathe
  • Kangxi radical 159
车 jū
  • war chariot (archaic)
  • rook (in Chinese chess)
  • rook (in chess)


车 stroke order diagram
车 stroke order animation


豪华轿 háo huá jiào chē limousine; luxury carriage
货运列 huò yùn liè chē goods train; freight train
货运卡 huò yùn kǎ chē freight truck
购物手推 gòu wù shǒu tuī chē shopping cart
购物 gòu wù chē shopping cart
场赛 sài chē chǎng sài stadium cycle race
女郎 sài chē nǚ láng pit babe; paddock girl; grid girl
手 sài chē shǒu racing driver
超级跑 chāo jí pǎo chē supercar; abbr. to 超跑|超跑[chao1 pao3]
路面电 lù miàn diàn chē (Tw) tram; streetcar
踏板摩托 tà bǎn mó tuō chē scooter
踏板 tà bǎn chē scooter
tà chē treadwheel; treadmill
踩刹 cǎi shā chē to step on the brake; to brake (when driving)
蹦蹦儿 bèng bèng r chē motor tricycle (onom. bang-bang car)
cèng chē (coll.) to ride in sb else's car to save money; to ride on a train or bus without buying a ticket (fare-dodging)
份 chē fèn vehicle rental fee paid by cab and rickshaw drivers
份儿 chē fèn r erhua variant of 車份|车份[che1 fen4]
到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直 chē dào shān qián bì yǒu lù , chuán dào qiáo tóu zì rán zhí lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through and when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current. (idiom); fig. Everything will turn out for the best.; Let's worry about it when it happens.; It will be all right on the night.
到山前自有路 chē dào shān qián zì yǒu lù lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through. (idiom); fig. Everything will turn out for the best.; Let's worry about it when it happens.; It will be all right on the night.; cf couplet 車到山前必有路,船到橋頭自然直|车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直
前草 chē qián cǎo plantain herb (Plantago asiatica)
城 chē chéng Checheng township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan
城乡 chē chéng xiāng Checheng township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan
奴 chē nú car slave, sb forced to sacrifice quality of life to buy or maintain a car
展 chē zhǎn motor show