
generation, lifetime; class


  • generation, lifetime
  • class
  • lifetime
  • generation
  • group of people
  • class
  • classifier for generations
  • (literary) classifier for people


子 yī bèi zi (for) a lifetime
shàng bèi ancestors; one's elders
子 shàng bèi zi one's ancestors; past generations; a former incarnation
xià bèi offspring; future generations; younger generation of a family; junior members of a group
子 xià bèi zi the next life
xiān bèi elders; former generations
子 bā bèi zi (fig.) a long time
qián bèi senior; older generation; precursor
子 bàn bèi zi half of a lifetime
tóng bèi of the same generation; person of the same generation; peer
wú bèi (literary) we; us
xiǎo bèi the younger generation
平庸之 píng yōng zhī bèi a nobody; a nonentity
píng bèi of the same generation
hòu bèi younger generation
wǒ bèi (literary) we; us
wǎn bèi the younger generation; those who come after
liú bèi a contemporary; similar class of people
父執 fù zhí bèi person of one's father's generation
fù bèi people of one's parents' generation
bān bèi seniority in the family; pecking order
兒 bān bèi r seniority in the family; pecking order
祖父 zǔ fù bèi people of one's grandparents' generation
祖祖 zǔ zǔ bèi bèi for generations; from generation to generation
zǔ bèi ancestors; forefathers; ancestry
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