
stop, suspend, halt


  • stop, suspend, halt
  • to stop (before completion)
  • to cease
  • to suspend


bù chuò incessant; relentless
zhōng chuò to stop halfway; to give up halfway; interruption; suspension
zuò chuò now working, now stopping
弦誦不 xián sòng bù chuò incessant playing of instruments and reciting of poems (idiom)
時寫時 shí xiě shí chuò to write for a bit then give up; to write in fits and starts
學 chuò xué to drop out of school; to leave off studying; to interrupt one's studies
工 chuò gōng to stop work
朝 chuò cháo to suspend business at the imperial court on account of a misfortune
業 chuò yè to give up work; to give up one's profession
止 chuò zhǐ to stop; to leave off
演 chuò yǎn to stop performing a play; to interrupt a stage run
筆 chuò bǐ to stop writing or painting; to leave off writing midway
耕 chuò gēng to stop plowing; to give up a life in the fields
食吐哺 chuò shí tǔ bǔ to stop eating and spit out
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