
soft, flexible, pliable; weak


  • soft, flexible, pliable
  • weak
  • soft
  • flexible
  • variant of 軟|软[ruan3]


免費件 miǎn fèi ruǎn jiàn freeware
共享體 gòng xiǎng ruǎn tǐ shareware
到手 dào shǒu ruǎn (do a manual task) until one's hands go limp with exhaustion
勒索件 lè suǒ ruǎn jiàn ransomware (computing)
吃人家的嘴,拿人家的手短 chī rén jiā de zuǐ ruǎn , ná rén jiā de shǒu duǎn lit. the mouth that has been fed by others is soft, the hand that has received doesn't reach (idiom); fig. one is partial to those from whom presents have been accepted
吃硬不吃 chī yìng bù chī ruǎn susceptible to force but not persuasion
不吃硬 chī ruǎn bù chī yìng lit. eats soft food, but refuses hard food (idiom); amenable to coaxing but not coercion
飯 chī ruǎn fàn to live off a woman
吳儂語 wú nóng ruǎn yǔ pleasant-sounding Wu dialect
嘴硬心 zuǐ yìng xīn ruǎn see 刀子嘴,豆腐心[dao1 zi5 zui3 , dou4 fu5 xin1]
zuǐ ruǎn soft-spoken; afraid to speak out
土耳其糖 tǔ ěr qí ruǎn táng Turkish delight; Lokum
客戶機件 kè hù jī ruǎn jiàn client software
小兒骨病 xiǎo ér ruǎn gǔ bìng rickets (medicine)
wēi ruǎn Microsoft corporation
公司 wēi ruǎn gōng sī Microsoft Corporation
xīn ruǎn to be softhearted; to be tenderhearted; to be kindhearted
惡意件 è yì ruǎn jiàn malware (computing)
應用件 yìng yòng ruǎn jiàn application software
應用體 yìng yòng ruǎn tǐ application software
shǒu ruǎn to be lenient; to relent; to be reluctant to make a hard decision; to think twice
搜尋體 sōu xún ruǎn tǐ search software
數據庫件 shù jù kù ruǎn jiàn database software
斜紋呢 xié wén ruǎn ní tweed
fú ruǎn to admit defeat; to give in; to acknowledge a mistake; to apologize; to be amenable to persuasion
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