xuān xiǎn xiàn hǎn jiān

carriage; high; wide; balcony; surname of the Yellow Emperor


軒 xuān
  • surname Xuan
  • pavilion with a view
  • high
  • tall
  • high fronted, curtained carriage (old)


不分輊 bù fēn xuān zhì well-matched; equally matched
器宇昂 qì yǔ xuān áng variant of 氣宇軒昂|气宇轩昂[qi4 yu3 xuan1 ang2]
氣宇昂 qì yǔ xuān áng to have an imposing or impressive appearance; impressive appearance; straight and impressive looking
泥塗冕 ní tú xuān miǎn to despise titles and high offices
冕 xuān miǎn chariot and crown (symbols of important persons); fig. royals and dignitaries
尼詩 xuān ní shī Hennessy (cognac)
掖 xuān yè forbidden place
昂 xuān áng high; lofty; elevated; dignified
檻 xuān jiàn railings of a balcony
然大波 xuān rán dà bō huge waves; (fig.) ruckus; controversy; sensation
自得 xuān xuān zì dé to be delighted with oneself
轅 xuān yuán Xuan Yuan, personal name of Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor 黃帝|黄帝[Huang2 di4]; two-character surname Xuanyuan
轅十四 xuān yuán shí sì Regulus (constellation)
轅氏 xuān yuán shì alternative name for the Yellow Emperor 黃帝|黄帝
陶哲 táo zhé xuān Terence Tao, Chinese-Australian mathematician, Fields medalist in 2006
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