
army, military; soldiers, troops


  • army, military
  • soldiers, troops
  • army
  • military
  • arms
  • CL:個|个[ge4]


sān jūn (in former times) upper, middle and lower army; army of right, center and left; (in modern times) the three armed services: Army, Navy and Air Force
用命 sān jūn yòng mìng (of a team) to throw oneself into the battle
上將 shàng jiàng jūn top general; commander-in-chief
中國人民志願 zhōng guó rén mín zhì yuàn jūn the Chinese People's Volunteer Army deployed by China to aid North Korea in 1950
中國人民解放 zhōng guó rén mín jiě fàng jūn Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)
中國人民解放 zhōng guó rén mín jiě fàng jūn hǎi jūn Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN)
中國人民解放 zhōng guó rén mín jiě fàng jūn kōng jūn People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF)
中央事委員會 zhōng yāng jūn shì wěi yuán huì (PRC) Central Military Commission
中央委 zhōng yāng jūn wěi Central Military Committee (CMC)
yà jūn second place (in a sports contest); runner-up
人民解放 rén mín jiě fàng jūn People's Liberation Army
yǐ jūn Israeli soldiers
侵略 qīn lüè jūn invading army
é jūn Russian army
wō jūn Japanese army (derog.) (old)
wěi jūn puppet army
yuán jūn Mongol army; army of Yuan dynasty
chōng jūn to banish (to an army post, as a punishment)
quán jūn all-army; all-military
覆沒 quán jūn fù mò total defeat of an army (idiom); fig. a complete wipeout
全黨全 quán dǎng quán jūn the (communist) party and the army together (idiom)
八一建節 bā yī jiàn jūn jié see 建軍節|建军节[Jian4 jun1 jie2]
八國聯 bā guó lián jūn Eight-Nation Alliance, involved in a military intervention in northern China in 1900
八路 bā lù jūn Eighth Route Army, the larger of the two major Chinese communist forces fighting the Japanese in the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945)
guàn jūn champion; CL:個|个[ge4]
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