
track, rut, path


  • track, rut, path
  • course
  • path
  • track
  • rail


道 shàng guǐ dào to stay on track; to proceed smoothly
bù guǐ errant
低地道 dī dì guǐ dào see 近地軌道|近地轨道[jin4 di4 gui3 dao4]
chū guǐ derailment (railway accident); to leave the rails; fig. to overstep bounds; fig. to have an extramarital affair
dān guǐ monorail
道 yuán guǐ dào circular orbit (in astronomy and in astronautics)
地球道 dì qiú guǐ dào earth orbit
dǎo guǐ (mechanics) guide rail; slideway
cháng guǐ normal practice
jiē guǐ railtrack connection; to integrate into sth; to dock; to connect; to be in step with; to bring into line with; to align
yǒu guǐ tracked (tramcar)
電車 yǒu guǐ diàn chē streetcar; tramcar; tram
zhèng guǐ the right track
wú guǐ trackless
電車 wú guǐ diàn chē trolleybus
砲 cí guǐ pào railgun
jì guǐ to follow in the steps of
tuō guǐ to leave the rails; to derail; to jump the track
wò guǐ to lie across the railway tracks (to commit suicide or to prevent trains from getting through)
hù guǐ (railway) guard rail
yuè guǐ to run off the track; to step out of line; to overstep the bounds of propriety
lù guǐ track (railroad, streetcar etc)
枕 guǐ zhěn sleeper; tie
範 guǐ fàn standard; criterion
距 guǐ jù gauge
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