
cart, vehicle; carry in cart


車 chē
  • surname Che
  • car
  • vehicle
  • CL:輛|辆[liang4]
  • machine
  • to shape with a lathe
  • Kangxi radical 159
車 jū
  • war chariot (archaic)
  • rook (in Chinese chess)
  • rook (in chess)


車 stroke order diagram


gōng chē bus; abbr. for 公共汽車|公共汽车[gong1 gong4 qi4 che1]; car belonging to an organization and used by its members (government car, police car, company car etc); abbr. for 公務用車|公务用车[gong1 wu4 yong4 che1]
共行道 gòng xíng chē dào carpool lane
冷藏 lěng cáng chē refrigerated truck or wagon
出租汽 chū zū qì chē taxi; cab (PRC); hire car (Tw); CL:輛|辆[liang4]
出租 chū zū chē taxi; (Tw) rental car
chū chē to dispatch a vehicle; (of a vehicle or its driver) to set off
liè chē (railway) train
員 liè chē yuán train attendant
長 liè chē zhǎng conductor; train manager
前移式叉 qián yí shì chā chē reach truck
主 qián chē zhǔ previous owner (of a car for sale)
之覆,後之鑒 qián chē zhī fù , hòu chē zhī jiàn lit. the cart in front overturns, a warning to the following cart (idiom); fig. draw lesson from the failure of one's predecessor; learn from past mistake; once bitten twice shy
之鑒 qián chē zhī jiàn to learn a lesson from the mistakes of one's predecessor (idiom)
shā chē to brake (when driving); to stop; to switch off; to check (bad habits); a brake
燈 shā chē dēng brake light
jiā chē extra bus or train
助動 zhù dòng chē low-powered motorized scooter or bike
jié chē to carjack; carjacking
勒勒 lēi lēi chē wagon (yoked to beast of burden)
動能 dòng néng chē car with a new type of propulsion system (hybrid, hydrogen-powered etc)
dòng chē power car; multiple-unit train (abbr. for 動車組|动车组)
bāo chē hired car; chartered car
北京汽製造廠有限公司 běi jīng qì chē zhì zào chǎng yǒu xiàn gōng sī Beijing Automobile Works (BAW)
區間 qū jiān chē shuttle bus (or train); train or bus traveling only part of its normal route
半履帶 bàn lǚ dài chē half-track (vehicle with wheels at the front and continuous tracks in the rear)