
cart, vehicle; carry in cart


車 chē
  • surname Che
  • car
  • vehicle
  • CL:輛|辆[liang4]
  • machine
  • to shape with a lathe
  • Kangxi radical 159
車 jū
  • war chariot (archaic)
  • rook (in Chinese chess)
  • rook (in chess)


車 stroke order diagram


鑄工間 zhù gōng chē jiān foundry (workshop or factory)
長途汽 cháng tú qì chē long-distance coach
長途 cháng tú chē long-distance bus; coach
閉門造 bì mén zào chē lit. to build a cart behind closed doors; to be overly subjective and disregard the outside world (idiom)
開倒 kāi dào chē to drive in reverse; fig. to take a backward step; retrogressive; trying to turn the clock back
開夜 kāi yè chē to burn the midnight oil; to work late into the night
開快 kāi kuài chē an express train sets off; fig. to work in haste; to rush
kāi chē to drive a car
人 kāi chē rén driver; person driving a vehicle
族 kāi chē zú motorists
雙層公共汽 shuāng céng gōng gòng qì chē double-decker bus
雪地 xuě dì chē snowmobile
雲霄飛 yún xiāo fēi chē roller coaster
電力機 diàn lì jī chē electric locomotive
電瓶 diàn píng chē battery-powered vehicle
diàn chē trolleybus; CL:輛|辆[liang4]
líng chē hearse
順風 shùn fēng chē vehicle that gives one a free ride; (fig.) (ride on sb's) coattails; (take advantage of) an opportunity
風力水 fēng lì shuǐ chē wind-powered waterwheel
fēng chē pinwheel; windmill
biāo chē street racing (motorbikes or cars)
飲酒駕 yǐn jiǔ jià chē drink and drive (moderately high blood alcohol concentration)
cān chē dining car; diner
寶馬 xiāng chē bǎo mǎ magnificent carriage and precious horses (idiom); rich family with extravagant lifestyle; ostentatious display of luxury
mǎ chē cart; chariot; carriage; buggy