
tread, step on; follow, track


  • tread, step on
  • follow, track
  • to walk on tiptoe
  • to walk quietly
  • to tread (on)
  • to follow


履 niè lǚ to wear shoes
悄悄 niè qiāo qiāo softly; quietly
腳 niè shǒu niè jiǎo to walk quietly on tiptoe (idiom)
機 niè jī silk loom with a foot peddle
登 niè dēng to go up
腳 niè jiǎo to walk cautiously in order not to make noise
腳根 niè jiǎo gēn variant of 躡腳跟|蹑脚跟[nie4 jiao3 gen1]
腳跟 niè jiǎo gēn to walk cautiously in order not to make noise
著腳 niè zhe jiǎo to tiptoe
足 niè zú to walk on tiptoe; to step on sb's foot; to join (a trade, profession etc); to associate with (a certain group of people)
跟 niè gēn too large or small for the feet (of shoes)
跡 niè jì to follow sb's tracks; to tail
蹀 niè dié to walk with mincing steps
蹤 niè zōng to follow along behind sb (formal writing)
zhuī niè to follow the trail of; to track; to trace
kuò niè to stride (formal writing)
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