
footprints, traces, tracks


  • footprints, traces, tracks
  • footprint
  • trace
  • tracks


一去無影 yī qù wú yǐng zōng gone without a trace
不見一點影 bù jiàn yī diǎn zōng yǐng no trace to be seen
作戰失 zuò zhàn shī zōng see 作戰失蹤人員|作战失踪人员[zuo4 zhan4 shi1 zong1 ren2 yuan2]
作戰失人員 zuò zhàn shī zōng rén yuán missing in action (MIA) (military)
來去無 lái qù wú zōng come without a shadow, leave without a footprint (idiom); to come and leave without a trace
來無影,去無 lái wú yǐng , qù wú zōng lit. come without a shadow, leave without a footprint (idiom); to come and go without a trace
去跡 lái zōng qù jì the traces of a person's movements; (fig.) sb's history; the ins and out of a matter
shī zōng to be missing; to disappear; unaccounted for
yǐng zōng trace; sign
qián zōng in hiding
潛逃無 qián táo wú zōng to abscond without leaving a trace (idiom)
無影無 wú yǐng wú zōng to disappear without trace (idiom)
玩失 wán shī zōng to hide oneself (as a joke)
cáng zōng to hide
xíng zōng whereabouts; (lose) track (of)
gēn zōng to follow sb's tracks; to tail; to shadow; tracking
狂 gēn zōng kuáng stalker
影 zōng yǐng trace; vestige; presence
跡 zōng jì tracks; trail; footprint; trace; vestige
niè zōng to follow along behind sb (formal writing)
羅漢拳 mí zōng luó hàn quán Mizongyi, Mizong, My Jhong Law Horn - "Lost Track Fist" (Chinese Martial Art)
zhuī zōng to follow a trail; to trace; to pursue
報導 zhuī zōng bào dǎo follow-up report
號碼 zhuī zōng hào mǎ tracking number (of a package shipment)
調查 zhuī zōng diào chá follow-up study; investigative follow-up
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