HSK | 2 |
FREQUENCY | 2444th character |
RADICAL | ⾜ (157.8) |
STROKES | 15 |
INDEX # | 3241 |
踢 tī |

踢足球 tī zú qiú | play football; play soccer |
踢踏舞 tī tà wǔ | tap dance |
拳打脚踢 quán dǎ jiǎo tī | lit. to punch and kick (idiom); to beat up; fig. determined to sort out a problem |
批踢踢 pī tī tī | PTT, the largest terminal-based bulletin board system in Taiwan; full name: 批踢踢實業坊|批踢踢实业坊[Pi1 ti1 ti1 Shi2 ye4 Fang1] |
批踢踢实业坊 pī tī tī shí yè fāng | PTT Bulletin Board System (Tw) |
批踢踢實業坊 pī tī tī shí yè fāng | PTT Bulletin Board System (Tw) |
拳打腳踢 quán dǎ jiǎo tī | lit. to punch and kick (idiom); to beat up; fig. determined to sort out a problem |
挨踢 āi tī | information technology (IT) (loanword) |
趴踢 pā ti | (loanword) party |
踢爆 tī bào | to reveal; to expose |
踢脚板 tī jiǎo bǎn | baseboard; skirting board |
踢腳板 tī jiǎo bǎn | baseboard; skirting board |
踢脚线 tī jiǎo xiàn | skirting board |
踢腳線 tī jiǎo xiàn | skirting board |
踢蹋舞 tī tà wǔ | tap dance; step dance |
踢马刺 tī mǎ cì | horse spur |
踢馬刺 tī mǎ cì | horse spur |
连踢带打 lián tī dài dǎ | to kick and beat (idiom) |
連踢帶打 lián tī dài dǎ | to kick and beat (idiom) |
踢踢 tī tī | kicking; a repeated action of striking with the foot, often used in playful or sports contexts |
踢进 tī jìn | to kick in; here: to kick (a ball) into the goal |
踢毽子 tī jiàn zi | to play shuttlecock kicking; a traditional Chinese game using a shuttlecock |
踢皮球 tī pí qiú | to pass the buck; to play a game of passing the blame or responsibility to others |
踢开 tī kāi | to kick open; forcibly open by kicking |
踢飞 tī fēi | to kick and send flying |