qiào qiāo

raise one's foot



跷 qiāo
  • to raise one's foot
  • to stand on tiptoe
  • stilts
  • variant of 蹺|跷[qiao1]


跷 stroke order diagram
跷 stroke order animation


qī qiāo odd; queer; strange; fishy; Taiwan pr. [xi1 qiao1]
板 qiāo qiāo bǎn see-saw
gāo qiāo stilts; walking on stilts as component of folk dance
踩高 cǎi gāo qiāo to walk on stilts
àn qiāo (old) massage
家 qiāo jiā to run away from home
班 qiāo bān see 翹班|翘班[qiao4 ban1]
课 qiāo kè to skip class
鹬 gāo qiào yù (bird species of China) stilt sandpiper (Calidris himantopus)
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