
go by foot; epilogue, colophon



跋 bá
  • postscript
  • to trek across mountains


跋 stroke order diagram
跋 stroke order animation


长途涉 cháng tú bá shè long and difficult trek
涉 bá shè to trudge; to trek
山涉水 bá shān shè shuǐ to travel over land and water (idiom)
扈 bá hù domineering; bossy
嚣张扈 xiāo zhāng bá hù arrogant and despotic
囂張扈 xiāo zhāng bá hù arrogant and despotic
xù bá preface and postscript
tuò bá branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people, founders of Wei 北魏 of the Northern Dynasties (386-534); also written 拓拔
魏 tuò bá wèi Wei of the Northern Dynasties (386-534)
前踬后 bá qián zhì hòu to trip forwards or stumble back (idiom, from Book of Songs); can't get anything right
前躓後 bá qián zhì hòu to trip forwards or stumble back (idiom, from Book of Songs); can't get anything right
语 bá yǔ short comment or critical appraisal added at the end of a text, on a painting etc
語 bá yǔ short comment or critical appraisal added at the end of a text, on a painting etc
長途涉 cháng tú bá shè long and difficult trek
tí bá short comments; preface and postscript
tí bá short comments; preface and postscript
飞扬扈 fēi yáng bá hù bossy and domineering; throwing one's weight about
飛揚扈 fēi yáng bá hù bossy and domineering; throwing one's weight about
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