yàn yán jiān jiǎn

callous skin on hands or feet. blisters



趼 jiǎn
  • callus (patch or hardened skin)
  • corns (on the feet)


趼 stroke order diagram
趼 stroke order animation


人 wú jiǎn rén Wu Jianren (1867-1910), late Qing dynasty novelist, author of The strange state of the world witnessed over 20 years 二十年目睹之怪現狀|二十年目睹之怪现状
人 wú jiǎn rén Wu Jianren (1867-1910), late Qing dynasty novelist, author of The strange state of the world witnessed over 20 years 二十年目睹之怪現狀|二十年目睹之怪现状
lǎo jiǎn callus (patch or hardened skin); corns (on feet)
子 jiǎn zi callus (patch or hardened skin); corns (on the feet)
足 jiǎn zú feet with calluses; fig. a long and hard march
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