what attracts one's attention

HSK 3 #1065


趣 qù
  • interesting
  • to interest


趣 stroke order diagram
趣 stroke order animation


qí qù quaint charm
橫生 miào qù héng shēng endlessly interesting (idiom); very witty
商店 qíng qù shāng diàn adult shop
用品 qíng qù yòng pǐn adult product; sex toy
yì qù interest; point of particular charm and interest
感興 gǎn xìng qù to be interested
zhǐ qù purport; intent
yì qù eBay (web auction company)
有兴 yǒu xìng qù interested; interesting
有興 yǒu xìng qù interested; interesting
lè qù delight; pleasure; joy
méi qù embarrassing; dull; unsatisfactory
còu qù to comply in order to please others; to accommodate sb else's taste; to make fun of
còu qù to comply in order to please others; to accommodate sb else's taste; to make fun of
酒 pān qù jiǔ punch (drink) (loanword)
wú qù dull; vapid; colorless
wú qù dull; vapid; colorless
自討沒 zì tǎo méi qù to invite a snub; to court a rebuff
xìng qù interest (desire to know about sth); interest (thing in which one is interested); hobby; CL:個|个[ge4]
kǔ qù wretched feelings (opposite: 樂趣|乐趣, delight)
xié qù humor; amusing
xié qù humor; amusing
shí qù tactful; discreet
剧 qù jù farce
劇 qù jù farce