
bright, radiant, glowing



赫 hè
  • surname He
  • awe-inspiring
  • abbr. for 赫茲|赫兹[he4 zi1], hertz (Hz)


赫 stroke order diagram
赫 stroke order animation


尔 hè ěr Hull (name); Kingston upon Hull
xiǎn hè illustrious; celebrated
bā hè Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), German composer
鲁晓夫 hè lǔ xiǎo fu Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971), secretary-general of Soviet Communist Party 1953-1964
zhào hè megahertz
伯特 hè bó tè Herbert (name)
尔辛基 hè ěr xīn jī Helsinki (Swedish Helsingfors), capital of Finland
兹 hè zī Hertz (name); Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894), German physicist and meteorologist, pioneer of electromagnetic radiation; hertz (Hz), unit of frequency
曼尼诺夫 lā hè màn ní nuò fū Rachmaninoff or Rachmaninov (name); Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943), Russian composer and pianist
然 hè rán with astonishment; with a shock; awe-inspiringly; impressively; furiously (angry)
xiè hè Xie He (479-502), portrait painter from Qi of Southern dynasties 南齊
hè hè brilliant; impressive; outstanding
舒马 shū mǎ hè Michael Schumacher (1969-), former German racing driver
mǎ hè Mach (name); Ernst Mach (1838-1916), German physicist; Mach number (fluid mechanics)
本 hè běn Hepburn (name)
奇帕奇 hè qí pà qí Hufflepuff (Harry Potter)
法塔 fǎ tǎ hè Fatah, Palestinian organization
xuān hè see 烜赫[xuan3 he4]
德 hè dé Hart or Herd (name); Robert Hart (1835-1911), Englishman who served 1863-1911 in Qing dynasty customs office
拉 hè lā Hera (wife of Zeus)
捷列夫 bié hè jié liè fū Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (1857-1927), Russian neurologist and psychiatrist
捷列夫 bié hè jié liè fū Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (1857-1927), Russian neurologist and psychiatrist
qiān hè kilohertz
兹 qiān hè zī kilohertz; kHz
茲 qiān hè zī kilohertz; kHz
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