
red; communist, 'red'; bare

HSK 6 #1660


  • red
  • communist, 'red'
  • bare
  • red
  • scarlet
  • bare
  • naked


赤 stroke order diagram
赤 stroke order animation


天行眼 tiān xíng chì yǎn acute contagious conjunctivitis (TCM)
壁 xiǎo chì bì Little Red Cliff, nickname of Bitan 碧潭[Bi4 tan2], Xindian, Taibei county, Taiwan
白脸 jí chì bái liǎn to worry oneself sick; to fret
白臉 jí chì bái liǎn to worry oneself sick; to fret
脚 dǎ chì jiǎo to bare the feet
腳 dǎ chì jiǎo to bare the feet
膊 dǎ chì bó to bare one's chest; bare-chested
普通杨 pǔ tōng chì yáng alder tree (Alnus glutinosa)
普通楊 pǔ tōng chì yáng alder tree (Alnus glutinosa)
海外子 hǎi wài chì zǐ patriotic overseas compatriot
杨 huī chì yáng gray alder (Alnus incana); speckled alder
楊 huī chì yáng gray alder (Alnus incana); speckled alder
玉米霉烯酮 yù mǐ chì méi xī tóng zearalenone
白眉眼 bái méi chì yǎn for no reason (idiom)
绿杨 lǜ chì yáng green alder (Alnus viridis)
楊 lǜ chì yáng green alder (Alnus viridis)
shù chì Jochi (name)
shù chì Jochi (name)
佬 chì lǎo (dialect) scoundrel; rascal
匪 chì fěi red bandit (i.e. PLA soldier (during the civil war) or Chinese communist (Tw))
口日 chì kǒu rì third day of the lunar year (inauspicious for visits because arguments happen easily on that day)
嘴潜鸭 chì zuǐ qián yā (bird species of China) red-crested pochard (Netta rufina)
嘴潛鴨 chì zuǐ qián yā (bird species of China) red-crested pochard (Netta rufina)
坎 chì kǎn Chikan district of Zhanjiang city 湛江市[Zhan4 jiang1 shi4], Guangdong
坎区 chì kǎn qū Chikan district of Zhanjiang city 湛江市[Zhan4 jiang1 shi4], Guangdong