shù shú

buy, redeem; ransom; atone for


贖 shú
  • to redeem
  • to ransom


將功罪 jiāng gōng shú zuì to atone for one's crimes by meritorious acts
zhǎo shú (dialect) to give change
擄人勒 lǔ rén lè shú kidnapping for ransom
jiù shú to save (a soul); redemption
主 jiù shú zhǔ Redeemer
苦行罪 kǔ xíng shú zuì penance (to atone for a sin)
價 shú jià price paid to redeem an object; (religion) price paid to redeem sb; ransom
回 shú huí to redeem
款 shú kuǎn ransom
罪 shú zuì to atone for one's crime; to buy freedom from punishment; redemption; atonement
罪日 shú zuì rì Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement (Jewish holiday)
罪日戰爭 shú zuì rì zhàn zhēng the Yom Kippur war of October 1973 between Israel and her Arab neighbors
金 shú jīn ransom
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