
give present; bestow, confer


  • give present
  • bestow, confer
  • to give as a present
  • to repel
  • to bestow an honorary title after death (old)


fèng zèng (honorific) to present; to give as a present
juān zèng to contribute (as a gift); to donate; benefaction
盈餘 juān zèng yíng yú surplus from donation (accountancy)
者 juān zèng zhě donor; contributor
採蘭芍 cǎi lán zèng sháo lit. pick orchids and present peonies (idiom); fig. presents between lovers
sǔn zèng to donate; donation
jìng zèng to present respectfully; with (sb's) compliments; complimentary
huò zèng to receive; to be given; to be presented with
臨別言 lín bié zèng yán words of advice on parting
予 zèng yǔ to give a present; to accord (a favor); to grant
品 zèng pǐn gift; complimentary item; freebie; giveaway
款 zèng kuǎn grant
與 zèng yǔ variant of 贈予|赠予[zeng4 yu3]
與者 zèng yǔ zhě giver
芍 zèng sháo to give peonies; fig. exchange of gifts between lovers
送 zèng sòng to present as a gift
zhuǎn zèng to pass on a present
zhuī zèng to give to the departed; to confer (a title) posthumously
yí zèng to bequeath
kuì zèng to present (a gift) to (sb)
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