
compete, contend; contest, race


  • compete, contend
  • contest, race
  • to compete
  • competition
  • match
  • to surpass
  • better than
  • superior to
  • to excel


龍舟 sài lóng zhōu to race dragon boats
龍船 sài lóng chuán dragon-boat race
越野跑 yuè yě sài pǎo cross-country running
足球 zú qiú sài soccer match; soccer competition
跨欄比 kuà lán bǐ sài hurdling; hurdles race (athletics event)
軍備競 jūn bèi jìng sài arms race; armament(s) race
迎神會 yíng shén sài huì folk festival, esp. involving shrine or image of God
追逐 zhuī zhú sài pursuit race; chase
jìng sài track
選美比 xuǎn měi bǐ sài beauty contest
邀請 yāo qǐng sài invitation tournament (e.g. between schools or firms)
里弗德 lǐ fú sài dé Riverside
錦標 jǐn biāo sài championship contest; championships
長距離比 cháng jù lí bǐ sài marathon (sports)
開始比 kāi shǐ bǐ sài to start a match; to kick off
kāi sài to start a match; the kick-off
阿克欽 ā kè sài qīn Aksai Chin, a disputed region in the Tibetan plateau
附加 fù jiā sài additional competition; play-off; decider
huò sài Jose (name)
yù sài preliminary competition; to hold preliminary heats
飯後一支煙,過活神仙 fàn hòu yī zhī yān , sài guò huó shén xiān have a smoke after each meal and you will surpass the immortals (proverb)
馬拉松 mǎ lā sōng sài marathon race
mǎ sài Marseille, city in south France; Basay, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
克 mǎ sài kè mosaic (loanword); pixelation
族 mǎ sài zú Basay, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan; Maasai people of Kenya