
buy, purchase; hire


  • buy, purchase
  • hire
  • to buy
  • to purchase


dài gòu to buy (on behalf of sb)
bìng gòu merger and acquisition (M and A); acquisition; to take over
優先承權 yōu xiān chéng gòu quán prior purchase right; right of first refusal (ROFR); preemptive right to purchase
nèi gòu buying direct from your company at preferential prices; (gaming) in-app purchase
兼並與收 jiān bìng yǔ shōu gòu mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
hán gòu mail order
huí gòu buyback; repurchase; to buy back
tuán gòu group buying; collective buying; buying by a group of individuals who negotiate a discount for the group
tào gòu a fraudulent purchase; to buy up sth illegally
dìng gòu to order goods; to place an order
dǎo gòu shopper's guide; shop assistant; sales staff
廢品收站 fèi pǐn shōu gòu zhàn salvage station; recycling center
批量買 pī liàng gòu mǎi to buy in bulk; bulk buying
cǎi gòu to procure (for an enterprise etc); to purchase
員 cǎi gòu yuán buyer; purchasing agent
商 cǎi gòu shāng buyer
qiǎng gòu to buy frenetically; to snap up (bargains, dwindling supplies etc)
shōu gòu to purchase (from various places); to acquire (a company)
要約 shōu gòu yāo yuē takeover bid
杠杆收 gàng gǎn shōu gòu leveraged buyout (LBO)
lè gòu Tesco, UK-based supermarket chain
pài gòu fixed government purchase (esp of farm products)
zhēng gòu to compete; to fight for; to rush to purchase
特易 tè yì gòu Tesco, British-based supermarket chain
shēn gòu to ask to buy; to bid for purchase
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