
rely, depend on; accuse falsely


  • rely, depend on
  • accuse falsely
  • surname Lai
  • to depend on
  • to hang on in a place
  • bad
  • to renege (on promise)
  • to disclaim
  • to rat (on debts)
  • rascally
  • to blame
  • to put the blame on
  • variant of 賴|赖[lai4]


jiǎo lài to deny (through sophism)
百無聊 bǎi wú liáo lài bored to death (idiom); bored stiff; overcome with boredom
duān lài to depend ultimately on (Tw); absolutely reliant on
lǎo lài (coll.) debt dodger
耍無 shuǎ wú lài to act shamelessly; to behave in a way that leaves others tut-tutting and shaking their heads in disapproval
shuǎ lài to act shamelessly; to refuse to acknowledge that one has lost the game, or made a promise etc; to act dumb; to act as if sth never happened
liáo lài to suffer tedium
語境依性 yǔ jìng yī lài xìng context dependency
wū lài to accuse falsely
以 lài yǐ to rely on; to depend on
婚 lài hūn to go back on a marriage contract; to repudiate an engagement
安 lài ān Ryan (name)
床 lài chuáng to have a lie-in; to dawdle in bed
斯 lài sī Rice (name); Condoleezza Rice (1954-) US Secretary of State 2005-2009
昌星 lài chāng xīng Lai Changxing (1958-), notorious Xiamen mafia boss involved in large scale corruption and smuggling, extradited from Canada back to China in 2008
校族 lài xiào zú campus dwellers (slang); graduates who cannot break away from campus life
比瑞亞 lài bǐ ruì yà Liberia (Tw)
氨酸 lài ān suān lysine (Lys), an essential amino acid
特 lài tè Wright (name)
皮 lài pí shameless; (slang) rascal
索托 lài suǒ tuō Lesotho (Tw)
聲川 lài shēng chuān Lai Shengchuan (1954-), US-Taiwanese dramatist and director
臉 lài liǎn to be shameless
賬 lài zhàng to renege on a debt
dá lài the Dalai Lama; abbr. of 達賴喇嘛|达赖喇嘛[Da2 lai4 La3 ma5]