bet, gamble, wager; compete


  • bet, gamble, wager
  • compete
  • to bet
  • to gamble


吃喝嫖 chī hē piáo dǔ to go dining, wining, whoring and gambling; to lead a life of dissipation
dǎ dǔ to bet; to make a bet; a wager
qiān dǔ to gamble
jù dǔ communal gambling
上一局 dǔ shàng yī jú to engage in a game of chance; to gamble; to make a bet
博 dǔ bó to gamble
咒 dǔ zhòu to swear to God; to cross one's heart
咒發誓 dǔ zhòu fā shì to vow
城 dǔ chéng casino town; nickname for Las Vegas
場 dǔ chǎng casino
客 dǔ kè gambler
局 dǔ jú game of chance; gambling party; gambling joint
徒 dǔ tú gambler
棍 dǔ gùn hardened gambler; professional gambler
氣 dǔ qì to act in a fit of pique; to get in a huff; to be peeved
注 dǔ zhù stake (in a gamble); (what is at) stake
球 dǔ qiú (ball) sports betting
窩 dǔ wō gamblers' den; illegal casino
資 dǔ zī money to gamble with
錢 dǔ qián to gamble
鬭 dǔ dòu to fight
鬼 dǔ guǐ gambling addict
服輸 yuàn dǔ fú shū lit. if you agree to bet you must accept to lose; fig. you bet, you pay
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