
sell; betray; show off


賣 mài
  • to sell
  • to betray
  • to spare no effort
  • to show off or flaunt


一錘子買 yī chuí zi mǎi mài a one-off, short-sighted deal; a one-shot, all-out attempt
倒買倒 dǎo mǎi dǎo mài to buy and sell at a profit; to speculate
dǎo mài to resell at a profit; to speculate
做買 zuò mǎi mài to buy and sell; to do business; to trade; to deal
dōu mài to peddle; to hawk (pirate goods)
公買公 gōng mǎi gōng mài buying and selling at fair prices
chū mài to offer for sale; to sell; to sell out or betray
pàn mài to betray
jiào mài to hawk (one's wares); to peddle
shòu mài to sell
壟斷販 lǒng duàn fàn mài monopoly
wài mài to go; take out (relates to food bought at a restaurant)
場 dà mài chǎng hypermarket; large warehouse-like self-service retail store
大賤 dà jiàn mài to sell at a big discount
批 mā mài pī (vulgar) your mom's a prostitute (from Sichuan pronunciation of 媽賣屄|妈卖屄[ma1 mai4 bi1])
家居場 jiā jū mài chǎng furniture store; furniture mall
jì mài to consign for sale
zhuān mài monopoly; exclusive right to trade
店 zhuān mài diàn specialty store
部 xiǎo mài bù kiosk; snack counter; retail department or section inside a larger business
強買強 qiǎng mǎi qiǎng mài to force sb to buy or sell; to trade using coercion
得便宜乖 dé pián yi mài guāi to have benefited from sth but pretend otherwise; to claim to be hard done by, even though one has benefited
懸羊頭狗肉 xuán yáng tóu mài gǒu ròu see 掛羊頭賣狗肉|挂羊头卖狗肉[gua4 yang2 tou2 mai4 gou3 rou4]
投機買 tóu jī mǎi mài buying and selling on speculation
pāi mài to auction; auction sale; to sell at a reduced price
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