
indemnify, suffer loss


  • indemnify, suffer loss
  • to compensate for loss
  • to indemnify
  • to suffer a financial loss


dào péi to sustain loss in trade
假一十 jiǎ yī péi shí lit. if one is fake, I shall compensate you for ten of them; fig. (of goods) 100% genuine
miǎn péi (insurance) excess
條款 miǎn péi tiáo kuǎn franchise clause (insurance)
pàn péi to sentence (sb) to pay compensation
bāo péi guarantee to pay compensations
tí péi to make a claim (for damages etc)
lǐ péi to settle a claim; claims settlement; payment of claims
suǒ péi to ask for compensation; to claim damages; claim for damages
rèn péi to agree to pay compensation; to accept liability
上 péi shàng to pay for sth with the loss of (one's health etc); to have sth come at the cost of (one's reputation etc)
不是 péi bú shi to apologize
了夫人又折兵 péi le fū rén yòu zhé bīng having given away a bride, to lose one's army on top of it (idiom); to suffer a double loss after trying to trick the enemy
付 péi fù to pay out; to compensate; (insurance) payment
償 péi cháng to compensate
償金 péi cháng jīn compensation
小心 péi xiǎo xīn to be conciliatory or apologetic; to tread warily in dealing with sb
本 péi běn loss; to sustain losses
款 péi kuǎn reparations; to pay reparations
禮 péi lǐ to offer an apology; to make amends
笑 péi xiào to smile apologetically or obsequiously
罪 péi zuì to apologize
錢 péi qián to lose money; to pay for damages
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