
guest, visitor; surname; submit


  • guest, visitor
  • surname
  • submit
  • visitor
  • guest
  • object (in grammar)


塞 sī bīn sè Spencer or Spence (name)
諾莎 sī bīn nuò shā Baruch or Benedict Spinoza (1632-1677), rationalist philosopher
滿族自治縣 xīn bīn mǎn zú zì zhì xiàn Xinbin Manchu autonomous county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liaoning
縣 xīn bīn xiàn Xinbin county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liaoning
犬 dù bīn quǎn Doberman (dog breed)
湯姆・羅斯 tāng mǔ ・ luó bīn sī Tom Robbins, American novelist
狗咬呂洞,不識好人心 gǒu yǎo lǚ dòng bīn , bù shí hǎo rén xīn a dog biting Lü Dongbin (idiom); to ill reward a person's kindness
直接語 zhí jiē bīn yǔ direct object (grammar)
相敬如 xiāng jìng rú bīn to treat each other as an honored guest (idiom); mutual respect between husband and wife
lǐ bīn protocol; official etiquette
漢 luó bīn hàn Robin Hood (English 12th century folk hero)
遜 luó bīn xùn Robinson (name)
xīng bīn Xingbin district of Laibin city 來賓市|来宾市[Lai2 bin1 shi4], Guangxi
區 xīng bīn qū Xingbin district of Laibin city 來賓市|来宾市[Lai2 bin1 shi4], Guangxi
菲律 fēi lǜ bīn the Philippines
菲律人 fēi lǜ bīn rén Filipino
菲律大學 fēi lǜ bīn dà xué University of the Philippines
菲律語 fēi lǜ bīn yǔ Tagalog (language)
菲律鵑鳩 fēi lǜ bīn juān jiū (bird species of China) Philippine cuckoo-dove (Macropygia tenuirostris)
西洛賽 xī luò sài bīn psilocybin
guì bīn honored guest; distinguished guest; VIP
室 guì bīn shì VIP lounge
犬 guì bīn quǎn poodle
主 bīn zhǔ guest and host
主盡歡 bīn zhǔ jìn huān both the guests and the hosts thoroughly enjoy themselves (idiom)