
paste to, stick on; attached to


  • paste to, stick on
  • attached to
  • to stick
  • to paste
  • to post (e.g. on a blog)
  • to keep close to
  • to fit snugly
  • to subsidize
  • allowance (e.g. money for food or housing)
  • sticker
  • classifier for sticking plaster: strip


便利 biàn lì tiē sticky note
dào tiē to lose money instead of being paid (i.e. sb should pay me, but is actually taking my money)
lì tiē Post-It note (3M trademark)
前胸後背 qián xiōng tiē hòu bèi (lit.) chest sticking to back; (fig.) famished; (of several persons) packed chest to back
板 jiǎn tiē bǎn clipboard (computing)
簿 jiǎn tiē bù scrapbook
創口 chuāng kǒu tiē band-aid
創可 chuāng kě tiē band-aid; sticking plaster
大頭 dà tóu tiē photo sticker booth
tuǒ tiē properly; satisfactorily; firmly; very fitting; appropriate; proper; to be in good order; also written 妥帖
bǎo tiē Blu-tack (brand)
zhāng tiē to post (a notice); to advertise
pīn tiē pastiche; collage; also written 拼貼|拼贴
zhāo tiē poster; placard; bill
畫 zhāo tiē huà picture poster (for advertising or propaganda)
pīn tiē pastiche; collage
fū tiē to smear; to apply glue or ointment to a surface
方便 fāng biàn tiē Post-it note; sticky note
chūn tiē see 春聯|春联[chun1 lian2]
fú tiē variant of 服帖[fu2 tie1]
止血 zhǐ xuè tiē Band-Aid; plaster
jīn tiē allowance
fú tiē to glue something lightly enough that it can be removed later
熱臉冷屁股 rè liǎn tiē lěng pì gu to show warm feelings but meet with cold rebuke (idiom); to be snubbed despite showing good intentions
fā tiē to stick sth up (on the wall); to post (on a noticeboard or website)
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