
expenses, expenditures, fee


費 fèi
  • surname Fei
  • to cost
  • to spend
  • fee
  • wasteful
  • expenses


斯科爾峰 sī kē fèi ěr fēng Scafell Pike, the highest mountain in England (978 m)
lǚ fèi travel expenses
普萊爾 pǔ lái fèi ěr Playfair (surname)
kuàng fèi to waste; to squander
huì fèi membership dues
服務 fú wù fèi service charge; cover charge
wǎng fèi to waste (one's breath, one's energy etc); to try in vain
機建 jī jiàn fèi airport construction fee (abbr. for 機場建設費|机场建设费)
qiàn fèi to be in arrears; to be out of credit; amount owing
比勒爾德 bǐ lè fèi ěr dé Bielefeld (city in Germany)
毫不力 háo bù fèi lì effortless; not expending the slightest effort
shuǐ fèi water bill
治裝 zhì zhuāng fèi expenses for 治裝|治装[zhi4 zhuang1]
làng fèi to waste; to squander
者 làng fèi zhě waster; wastrel; squanderer
金錢 làng fèi jīn qián to squander money; to spend extravagantly
海運 hǎi yùn fèi shipping; sea transport
xiāo fèi to consume; to spend
價格指數 xiāo fèi jià gé zhǐ shù consumer price index CPI
品 xiāo fèi pǐn consumer goods
器件 xiāo fèi qì jiàn consumer
稅 xiāo fèi shuì consumption tax; sales tax
群 xiāo fèi qún consumer group
者 xiāo fèi zhě consumer
者保護 xiāo fèi zhě bǎo hù consumer protection (law)