
expenses, expenditures, fee


費 fèi
  • surname Fei
  • to cost
  • to spend
  • fee
  • wasteful
  • expenses


三公消 sān gōng xiāo fèi see 三公經費|三公经费[san1 gong1 jing1 fei4]
三公經 sān gōng jīng fèi "three public expenditures" of the PRC government, i.e. air travel, food and entertainment, and public vehicles
上門 shàng mén fèi house call fee; callout fee
事 bù fèi shì not troublesome
吹灰之力 bù fèi chuī huī zhī lì as easy as blowing off dust; effortless; with ease
中國消者協會 zhōng guó xiāo fèi zhě xié huì China Consumers' Association (CCA)
交通 jiāo tōng fèi transport costs
人工 rén gōng fèi labor cost
fù fèi to pay; to cover the costs
牆 fù fèi qiáng (computing) paywall (loanword)
伙食 huǒ shí fèi food expenses; board expenses; meals (cost)
用 dī fèi yòng low cost
bǎo fèi insurance premium
保險 bǎo xiǎn fèi insurance fee
miǎn fèi free (of charge)
搭車 miǎn fèi dā chē free riding (economics)
軟件 miǎn fèi ruǎn jiàn freeware
入場 rù chǎng fèi admission fee
gōng fèi at public expense
醫療 gōng fèi yī liáo medical treatment at public expense
rǒng fèi unnecessary expenses
出場 chū chǎng fèi appearance fee
勒哈爾 lè hā fèi ěr Le Havre (French town)
huì fèi remittance fee
和解 hé jiě fèi money settlement (fine or payment to end a legal dispute)
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