
sea shell; money, currency


  • sea shell
  • money, currency
  • surname Bei
  • cowrie
  • shellfish
  • currency (archaic)


貝 stroke order diagram


寧 bèi níng Benin
寶 bèi bǎo PayPal (Internet payment and money transfer company)
拉 bèi lā Beira, Mozambique
拉米 bèi lā mǐ Bellamy
斯 bèi sī Bes, a minor god of ancient Egypt; bass (loanword); bass guitar
斯吉他 bèi sī jí tā bass guitar
果 bèi guǒ bagel (loanword)
柱 bèi zhù the cylindrical adductor muscle of bivalve shellfish such as scallops
殼 bèi ké shell; conch; cowry; mother of pearl; hard outer skin; also pr. [bei4 qiao4]
殼兒 bèi ké r erhua variant of 貝殼|贝壳[bei4 ke2]
母 bèi mǔ the bulb of the fritillary (Fritillaria thunbergii)
爾 bèi ěr Bell (person name)
爾墨邦 bèi ěr mò bāng Belmopan, capital of Belize (Tw)
爾實驗室 bèi ěr shí yàn shì Bell Labs
爾格勒 bèi ěr gé lè Belgrade, capital of Serbia (Tw)
爾格萊德 bèi ěr gé lái dé Belgrade, capital of Serbia
爾法斯特 bèi ěr fǎ sī tè Belfast, capital of Northern Ireland
爾湖 bèi ěr hú Buir Lake of Inner Mongolia
爾莫潘 bèi ěr mò pān Belmopan, capital of Belize
盧斯科尼 bèi lú sī kē ní Silvio Berlusconi (1936-), Italian media magnate and right-wing politician, prime minister of Italy 1994-1995, 2001-2006, 2008-2011
納通 bèi nà tōng Benetton, clothes company
聿銘 bèi yù míng Pei Ieoh Ming or I.M. Pei (1917-2019), Chinese-American architect
葉 bèi yè pattra palm tree (Corypha umbraculifera), whose leaves were used as paper substitute for Buddhist sutras
葉斯 bèi yè sī Bayes (name); Thomas Bayes (1702-1761), English mathematician and theologian
葉棕 bèi yè zōng pattra palm tree (Corypha umbraculifera), whose leaves were used as paper substitute for Buddhist sutras