
deceive, cheat, defraud; sly



  • deceive, cheat, defraud
  • sly
  • sly
  • crafty
  • weird
  • bizarre
  • contradictory
  • inconsistent


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异 guǐ yì strange; weird
计 guǐ jì trick; ruse; crafty scheme
计多端 guǐ jì duō duān deceitful in many ways (idiom); wily and mischievous; full of craft and cunning
辩 guǐ biàn specious arguments; sophistry
秘 guǐ mì secretive; furtive; surreptitious
诈 guǐ zhà sly; treacherous
qí guǐ strange; queer; intriguing
diào guǐ bizarre; paradoxical; a paradox (from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)
矜奇 diào guǐ jīn qí strange and paradoxical
笑 guǐ xiào smirk; insincere smile
谲 guǐ jué weird; sly; treacherous
辩家 guǐ biàn jiā sophist; one who relies on specious arguments
辩术 guǐ biàn shù specious arguments; sophistry
阴谋计 yīn móu guǐ jì crafty plots and machinations (idiom)
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