
explain; discuss; talk

HSK 3 #555


  • explain
  • discuss
  • talk
  • to speak
  • to explain
  • to negotiate
  • to emphasise
  • to be particular about
  • as far as sth is concerned
  • speech
  • lecture


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学 jiǎng xué to lecture (on branch of learning)
坛 jiǎng tán a platform (to speak)
习班 jiǎng xí bān instructional workshop
kāi jiǎng to begin a lecture; to start on a story
堂 jiǎng táng lecture hall; CL:家[jia1],間|间[jian1]
习 jiǎng xí to lecture; to instruct
论 jiǎng lùn to discuss
一般来 yī bān lái jiǎng generally speaking
主旨演 zhǔ zhǐ yǎn jiǎng keynote speech
主题演 zhǔ tǐ yǎn jiǎng keynote speech
luàn jiǎng to talk nonsense; nonsense!
四美三热爱 wǔ jiǎng sì měi sān rè ài the five emphases, four beauties and three loves (PRC policy introduced in 1981, including emphasis on manners, beauty of language and love of socialism)
chuán jiǎng to preach
严格来 yán gé lái jiǎng strictly speaking
电话 duì jiǎng diàn huà intercom
就职演 jiù zhí yǎn jiǎng inaugural lecture
bō jiǎng to broadcast a lecture, a book reading etc
摆事实道理 bǎi shì shí jiǎng dào lǐ present the facts and reason things out
家 yǎn jiǎng jiā orator
发表演 fā biǎo yǎn jiǎng to give a speech
穿着究 chuān zhuó jiǎng jiu smart clothes; particular about one's dress
多练 jīng jiǎng duō liàn to speak concisely and practice frequently (idiom)
mò jiǎng let alone; not to speak of (all the others)
不通 jiǎng bù tōng it does not make sense
到 jiǎng dào to talk about sth