fame, reputation; praise


  • fame, reputation
  • praise
  • to praise
  • to acclaim
  • reputation


不名 bù míng yù disreputable; disgraceful
交口稱 jiāo kǒu chēng yù voices unanimous in praise (idiom); with an extensive public reputation
xiǎng yù to be renowned
lìng yù honorable reputation
xìn yù prestige; distinction; reputation; trust
míng yù fame; reputation; honor; honorary; emeritus (of retired professor)
博士 míng yù bó shì honorary doctorate; Doctor Honoris Causae
博士學位 míng yù bó shì xué wèi honorary doctorate; Doctor Honoris Causae
學位 míng yù xué wèi honorary degree; academic degree Honoris Causa
掃地 míng yù sǎo dì to be thoroughly discredited; to fall into disrepute
shāng yù reputation of a firm's product
恢復名 huī fù míng yù to rehabilitate; to regain one's good name
huì yù Fitch, credit rating agency
róng yù honor; credit; glory; (honorable) reputation; honorary
博士 róng yù bó shì honorary doctorate; Doctor Honoris Causae
博士學位 róng yù bó shì xué wèi honorary doctorate; Doctor Honoris Causae
學位 róng yù xué wèi honorary degree; (U.K. etc) honours degree
教授 róng yù jiào shòu emeritus professor
軍人 róng yù jūn rén disabled soldier; serviceman wounded in action
沽名釣 gū míng diào yù to angle for fame (idiom); to fish for compliments
shèng yù flourishing reputation
chēng yù to acclaim; to sing the praises of
měi yù fame; good reputation; famous for sth
shēng yù reputation; fame
xū yù imaginary reputation; empty fame
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