consult, talk over, discuss


  • consult, talk over, discuss
  • to comment on
  • to discuss
  • to suggest


yì yì objection; dissent
人士 yì yì rén shì dissident
份子 yì yì fèn zǐ dissidents; dissenting faction
者 yì yì zhě dissenter; dissident
員 zhòng yì yuán member of the US House of Representatives
院 zhòng yì yuàn lower house of bicameral assembly; House of Representatives (USA); Chamber of Deputies
石渠閣 shí qú gé yì cabinet meeting in 51 BC that established the five classics of Confucianism 五經|五经[Wu3 jing1] as state canon
簡單網絡管理協 jiǎn dān wǎng luò guǎn lǐ xié yì Simple Network Management Protocol; SNMP
chóu yì to discuss (a plan)
絕食抗 jué shí kàng yì hunger strike
網絡協 wǎng luò xié yì network protocol
網絡層協 wǎng luò céng xié yì network layer protocol
美國參院 měi guó cān yì yuàn United States Senate
美國眾院 měi guó zhòng yì yuàn United States House of Representatives
jù yì to meet for negotiation
聯席會 lián xí huì yì joint conference
自報公 zì bào gōng yì self-assessment; declare one's state for open discussion
chú yì lit. grass-cutter's comment (humble); fig. my observation as a humble layman; my humble opinion
行政會 xíng zhèng huì yì Executive Council (Hong Kong)
街談巷 jiē tán xiàng yì the talk of the town (idiom)
視頻會 shì pín huì yì videoconferencing; videoconference
jì yì to deliberate; to talk over; to plan
許可協 xǔ kě xié yì licensing agreement (for intellectual property)
píng yì to appraise through discussion
會 píng yì huì council