móu mou

plan, scheme; stratagem


謀 móu
  • to plan
  • to seek
  • scheme


士 móu shì skilled manipulator; tactician; strategist; advisor; counsellor
害 móu hài to conspire to murder; to plot against sb's life
得 móu dé to get; to obtain
慮 móu lǜ to plan and consider; to reflect on one's best strategy
智 móu zhì Mozilla Corporation; intelligence and wisdom; resourceful; same as 智謀|智谋
殺 móu shā to murder; to assassinate; intentional homicide
殺案 móu shā àn murder case
殺罪 móu shā zuì murder
求 móu qiú to seek; to strive for
生 móu shēng to seek one's livelihood; to work to support oneself; to earn a living
略 móu lüè stratagem; strategy; resourcefulness
職 móu zhí to look for a job; to seek employment
臣 móu chén imperial strategic adviser; expert on strategy
臣如雨 móu chén rú yǔ strategic experts as thick as rain (idiom); no shortage of advisers on strategy
臣武將 móu chén wǔ jiàng strategic experts and powerful generals (idiom)
臣猛將 móu chén měng jiàng strategic experts and powerful generals (idiom)
計 móu jì stratagem; scheme
財害命 móu cái hài mìng to plot and kill sb for his property (idiom); to murder for money
面 móu miàn to meet
食 móu shí to make a living; to strive to earn a living
足智多 zú zhì duō móu resourceful; full of stratagems
道不同不相為 dào bù tóng bù xiāng wéi móu lit. persons who walk different paths cannot make plans together; to go separate ways (idiom)
yuǎn móu a long-term plan; an ambitious strategy
zuān móu to use influence to get what one wants; to find a way through (esp. corrupt); to succeed by means fair or foul
yīn móu plot; conspiracy