huì hui

conceal; shun; regard as taboo


諱 huì
  • to avoid mentioning
  • taboo word
  • name of deceased emperor or superior


bù huì without concealing anything; to pass away; to die
供認不 gòng rèn bù huì to make a full confession; to plead guilty
míng huì taboo name (e.g. of emperor)
jì huì taboo; to avoid as taboo; to abstain from
直言不 zhí yán bù huì to speak bluntly (idiom); not to mince words
直言無 zhí yán wú huì to speak one's mind; to speak candidly (idiom)
名 huì míng taboo name; name of deceased
疾忌醫 huì jí jì yī hiding a sickness for fear of treatment (idiom); fig. concealing a fault to avoid criticism; to keep one's shortcomings secret; to refuse to listen to advice
稱 huì chēng euphemism; word used to avoid a taboo reference
莫如深 huì mò rú shēn important matter that must be kept secret (idiom); don't breathe a word of it to anyone!
bì huì to avoid a taboo word or topic
bì hui to avoid a taboo word or topic; to refrain from; to avoid
yǐn huì to hold back from saying precisely what is on one's mind
號 yǐn huì hào cross symbol (×), used to replace a character one does not wish to display
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