
proclaim, instruct; edict


諭 yù
  • order (from above)


shàng yù imperial edict; see also 聖諭|圣谕[sheng4 yu4]
gào yù (literary) to inform (the public); to give clear instructions; public announcement (from higher authorities)
xiǎo yù variant of 曉喻|晓喻[xiao3 yu4]
shén yù oracle
福澤吉 fú zé yù jí Fukuzawa Yukichi (1835-1901), prominent Japanese Westernizer, liberal educator and founder of Keio University
shèng yù imperial edict; see also 上諭|上谕[shang4 yu4]
zhào yù imperial decree
旨 yù zhǐ imperial edict
示 yù shì to issue a directive; to instruct (that sth be done)
fěng yù variant of 諷喻|讽喻[feng3 yu4]
jūn yù (deferential) your instructions
miàn yù to instruct sb personally
fēng yù see 諷喻|讽喻[feng3 yu4]
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