
talk; conversation; surname


  • talk
  • conversation
  • surname
  • surname Tan
  • to speak
  • to talk
  • to converse
  • to chat
  • to discuss


星 tán xīng astrology; fortune-telling
朋友 tán péng you to be dating sb
笑自若 tán xiào zì ruò to talk and laugh as though nothing had happened; to remain cheerful (despite a crisis)
笑風生 tán xiào fēng shēng to talk cheerfully and wittily; to joke together
經 tán jīng to explain a sutra; to expound the classics
虎色變 tán hǔ sè biàn to turn pale at the mention of a tiger (idiom); to be scared at the mere mention of
話 tán huà to talk (with sb); to have a conversation; talk; conversation; CL:次[ci4]
tán tán to discuss; to have a chat
論 tán lùn to discuss; to talk about
資 tán zī sth that people like to chat about; topic of idle conversation
xié tán joking; humorous talk
xiāng tán local dialect
cháng tán a long talk
閉口不 bì kǒu bù tán to refuse to say anything about (idiom); to remain tight-lipped; to avoid mentioning
xián tán variant of 閒談|闲谈[xian2 tan2]; to chat
xián tán variant of 閒談|闲谈[xian2 tan2]; to chat
闢室密 pì shì mì tán to discuss behind closed doors
zá tán discussion of various topics
miàn tán face-to-face meeting; an interview
首腦會 shǒu nǎo huì tán summit talks; discussion between heads of state
闊論 gāo tán kuò lùn to harangue; loud arrogant talk; to spout
舉行會 jǔ xíng huì tán hold a meeting; conduct a discussion