lesson; course; classwork


  • lesson
  • course
  • classwork
  • subject
  • course
  • CL:門|门[men2]
  • class
  • lesson
  • CL:堂[tang2],節|节[jie2]
  • to levy
  • tax
  • form of divination


shàng kè to go to class; to attend class; to go to teach a class
xià kè to finish class; to get out of class
dài kè to teach as substitute for absent teacher
rèn kè to give classes; to work as a teacher
tíng kè to stop classes; to close (of school)
bèi kè (of a teacher) to prepare lessons
入門程 rù mén kè chéng introductory course; primer
jiān kè to teach classes in addition to other duties; to hold several teaching jobs
函授程 hán shòu kè chéng correspondence course
gōng kè homework; assignment; task; classwork; lesson; study; CL:門|门[men2]
quàn kè to encourage and supervise (esp. state officials promoting agriculture)
bǔ kè divination; fortune telling
單班 dān bān kè individual lesson; one-on-one class
基礎 jī chǔ kè basic course; core curriculum
對話 duì huà kè conversation class
duì kè to give answering phrase (school exercise in memory or composition)
fù kè to resume classes
必修 bì xiū kè required course; compulsory course
指導 zhǐ dǎo kè tutorial; period of tuition for one or two students
shòu kè to teach; to give lessons
cāo kè military drill
jiāo kè to teach class; to lecture
zǎo kè matins; morning service (in the Catholic Church); morning chorus (of birds)
xún kè test every ten day; periodic deadline
kuàng kè to play truant; to cut classes
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