
recite, chant, repeat


  • recite, chant, repeat
  • to read aloud
  • to recite


chuán sòng widely known; on everyone's lips
yín sòng to read aloud; to recite rhythmically; to chant; to intone (esp. poems in rhythm)
gào sòng to tell; to inform
不綴 xián sòng bù chuò variant of 弦誦不輟|弦诵不辍[xian2 song4 bu4 chuo4]
不輟 xián sòng bù chuò incessant playing of instruments and reciting of poems (idiom)
niàn sòng to read out; to recite; to remember sb (while talking about sth else)
lǎng sòng to read aloud with expression; to recite; to declaim
lǐ sòng Li Song, personal name of eleventh Tang emperor Shunzong 順宗|顺宗[Shun4 zong1] (761-806), reigned 805-806
lián sòng liaison (in phonetics) (loanword)
bèi sòng to recite; to repeat from memory
經 sòng jīng to chant the sutras
讀 sòng dú to read aloud
讀困難症 sòng dú kùn nan zhèng dyslexia
佛號 mò sòng fó hào to chant the names of Buddha
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